Chiropractic and Arthritis

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Q: Is their more than one form of Arthritis, and if so is there any risk to having an adjustment for any particular type?

Arthritis alone is the general inflammation of joints, which leads to pain, stiffness, and decreased function of the joint. There are several types of Arthritis. Most commonly seen among patients is osteoarthritis otherwise known as degenerative joint disease. Other variants include Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Anklyosing Spondylitis, Juvenile rheumatoid Arthritis, Septic Arthritis, gout, and pseudo-gout.

Each form has its particular symptoms associated, demographics affected, and mode of development. Osteoarthritis is most directly the result of generalized “wear and tear” of joints and their associated structures. Rheumatoid, Psoriatic, JRA, Septic all are systemic forms of arthritis that develop as a result of the presence of rheumatoid factors and variants in the blood. Lastly gout and pseudo gout are metabolic forms of joint inflammation that is generally associated with dietary input into the body as well as improper metabolic function of the body. Each form has its specific signs and symptoms that Chiropractors are trained to recognize during a comprehensive health history, physical exam, and utilization of x-ray diagnostics. Each form has its considerations for when, where, and how an adjustment is applied during flare ups and remissions.

Chiropractors are expert in the operation of joints and in the therapies that keep them working properly. Though the spine is the chain of joints they are best known for working on, their training lets them help with ailments of all the body’s joints. Depending on the type of arthritis you have, the condition can flare and subside. A key to managing the disease is a balance between rest and exercise.

Your chiropractor can give you a regimen of exercise, like stretching and dance moves, that improves range of motion in arthritic joints; strengthening exercises, including weight lifting, which can tone the muscles critical to joint support; and aerobic or endurance exercises, which help improve the cardiovascular system, tone muscle and control weight. A Chiropractor can make recommendations for dietary changes as well as the use of nutriceuticals to reduce swelling and promote healing mechanisms within the body and joints. Additionally the mobilization of joints will create a pumping mechanism which aids in the circulation of swelling out of the joint spaces. Talk with your chiropractor about ways to combat arthritis.

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